Thursday, June 13, 2013

Inside our "Handbook"

We wanted to give you all more insight into what our book contains.  There is so much one could cover about missionary work but we really wanted to hone in on the feelings and experiences common to all missionaries.  We put a lot of thought and consideration in what we felt sister missionaries would benefit from.

The first chapter delves into the MTC and how you learn to adjust.  The next chapter flows nicely into learning how to adjust to the field.  Of course we must address the little fact that you live, work, eat, sleep, study, teach, exercise, breathe with another sister for 18 straight consecutive months.
We talk about the importance of service and being an example to the youth.  We wrap it up with an emphasis on being yourself along with working through uncertainty and discouragement.
Interspersed in the chapters are our own experiences and stories that relate.

When we returned from our missions we wanted to encourage every young woman to ponder the possibility of serving. There is so much more to missionary service than you can know unless you experience it first hand.  Our hope is that this book will give young women a real, humorous, insightful, helpful take on what it's like to be a missionary.  There is a new huge army of sister missionaries ready to get out there and we couldn't be happier! Let's do this, girls.

1 comment:

  1. How long does it usually take to receive the book after it is ordered? I live in Nampa, Id.
